🌳 Scope Hoisting

What scope hoisting is and how it enables smaller builds and ESM output

Parcel can remove unused JS code with both CommonJS and ES modules (including dynamic imports in many cases), and unused CSS modules classes.

ΒΆ Tips for smaller/faster builds

ΒΆ Hints for more optimization

ΒΆ Specifying sideEffects: false for libraries

When sideEffects: false is specified in package.json (in most cases of some library), we can skip processing some assets entirely (e.g. not even transpiling the lodash function that weren't imported) or not include them in the output bundle at all (e.g. because that asset merely does reexporting).

For example:

import { add } from "lib";

console.log(add(1, 2));
"name": "lob"
"sideEffects": false
export { add } from "./add.js";
export { multiply } from "./multiply.js";

let loaded = Date.now();
export function elapsed() {
return Date.now() - loaded;

let cache = new Map();
export function cached(param, func) {
/* ... */

In this case, we don't even have to load (and transpile) node_modules/lib/multiply.js because it's definitely unused. Furthermore node_modules/lib/index.js can be skipped when concatenating the bundle because none of its direct exports are used (elapsed), this alleviates the need to annotate the variable declaration with /*@__PURE__*/. This is still neccesary however when only exports in the file are used - so if only elapsed is imported, let cache = new Map() cannot be removed even though cached is unused.

If export * is used instead of export { multiply }, multiply.js has to be transpiled but it's still not included in the output (so this mainly causes longer build times).

Another benefit of sideEffects is that this even applies to bundling, so if multiply.js imports a CSS stylesheet or contains a dynamic import(), that bundle isn't created either if multiply.js itself is unused.

ΒΆ Patterns to avoid

ΒΆ Avoid reliance on CommonJS specifics

If a top-level return statement or eval are being used or a module variable is used freely (module.exports is fine), we cannot add it into the top-level scope (because return would stop the execution of the whole bundle and eval might use variables that have been renamed).

ΒΆ Avoid conditional require()

This is a case where an asset needs to be wrapped, that is moved inside a function. This negates some advantages of scope-hoisting.

If an asset is required conditionally or generally no in the toplevel of the asset, we cannot add it into the top-level scope because its content should only be execute when it is actually required. This logic also needs to be applied recursively to not immediately execute dependencies of the wrapped asset.

ΒΆ import * as ns from "..."; can be equivalent to named imports

Even if you use the import * as syntax, unused exports are removed reliably as long as the namespace object is only accessed with static member expressions (ns.foo or ns['foo']).

import * as thing from "./foo.js";


let other = thing; // This causes everything to be included!

ΒΆ Motivation and Advantages of Scope Hoisting

For a long time, many bundlers (like webpack and Browserify, but not Rollup) achieved the actual bundling by wrapping all assets in a function, creating a map of all included assets and providing a CommonJS runtime. A (very) simplified example of that:

(function (modulesMap, entry) {
// internal runtime
"index.js": function (require, module, exports) {
var { Foo } = require("./thing.js");
var obj = new Foo();
"thing.js": function (require, module, exports) {
module.exports.Foo = class Foo {
run() {
module.exports.Bar = class Bar {
run() {

This mechanism has both advantages and disadvantages:

ΒΆ Solution

Instead, the individual assets are concatenated directly in the top-level scope:

// thing.js
var $thing$export$Foo = class {
run() {
var $thing$export$Bar = class {
run() {

// index.js
var $index$export$var$obj = new $thing$export$Foo();

As you can see, the top-level variables from the assets need to be renamed to have a globally unique name.

Now, removing unused exports has become trivial: the variable $thing$export$Bar is not used at all, so we can safely remove it (and a minifier like Terser would do this automatically), this step is referred to as tree shaking.

The only real downside is that builds take quite a bit longer and also use more memory than the wrapper-based approach (because every single statement needs to be modified and the bundle as a whole needs to remain in memory during the packaging).