πŸ“š Parcel API

How to use @parcel/core programatically

The options that can be passed to the Parcel constructor are InitialParcelOptions.

By default, the behaviour is similar to parcel serve (building for development) β€” set mode: 'production' to create production builds (scope hoisting, minification, ...).

ΒΆ A minimal example (or "What the parcel CLI does")

import path from "path";
import Parcel from "@parcel/core";

(async () => {
let bundler = new Parcel({
entries: path.join(__dirname, "src/index.js"),
defaultConfig: require.resolve("@parcel/config-default"),
defaultTargetOptions: {
engines: {
browsers: ["last 1 Chrome version"],
node: "10",
mode: "production",

await bundler.run();

ΒΆ Outputting to an in-memory file system

import path from "path";
import Parcel, { createWorkerFarm } from "@parcel/core";
import { NodeFS, MemoryFS } from "@parcel/fs";

const DIST_DIR = "/dist";

(async () => {
let workerFarm = createWorkerFarm();
let inputFS = new NodeFS();
let outputFS = new MemoryFS(workerFarm);

await outputFS.mkdirp(DIST_DIR);

try {
let b = new Parcel({
entries: [path.join(__dirname, "src", "index.html")],
defaultConfig: require.resolve("@parcel/config-default"),
inputFS: inputFS,
outputFS: outputFS,
defaultTargetOptions: {
engines: {
browsers: ["last 1 Chrome version"],
node: "8",
distDir: DIST_DIR,
shouldPatchConsole: false,
mode: "production",

await b.run();

for (let file of await outputFS.readdir(DIST_DIR)) {
console.log("---------", file, "---------");
console.log(await outputFS.readFile(path.join(DIST_DIR, file), "utf8"));
} catch (e) {
} finally {
await workerFarm.end();