Parcel is a compiler for all your code, regardless of the language or toolchain.
Parcel takes all of your files and dependencies, transforms them, and merges them together into a smaller set of output files that can be used to run your code.
Parcel supports many different languages and file types out of the box, from web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, to assets like images, fonts, videos, and more.
Parcel makes your code portable. You can build your code for different environments, for the web for your server, or for an app. You can even build multiple targets at once and have them live update as you make changes.
Parcel is fast and predictable. It compiles all of your files in isolation in parallel inside workers, caching all of them as it goes along. Caches are stable across machines and are only affected by the files and configs within your project (unless you want to pass specific environment variables).